Five New Year’s Resolutions Every Dude Can Make

Scott Hewitt

The ball is dropping (just the one, not those two). You’ve got a glass of half-decent Champagne in one hand, the Champagne of beers in the other and are about to go in for that midnight kiss. Just when you’re about to pop a mint, you have a sudden existential crisis. What did you even do in 2018? Did you accomplish your goals? Did you stick to the resolutions you made a year ago? If you’re asking questions like these, it’s safe to assume you didn’t follow through with whatever you set out to do. But even if fears like...

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A Gift Guide For The Person Who Wants Nothing

Scott Hewitt

The holidays are here and that can really suck sometimes. Specifically, when it comes to figuring out what to get that person who claims they don’t want anything. It may be for your co-worker during secret Santa. Maybe it’s your partner. Maybe it’s a parent who has gotten the same gift from you for a few decades running. Whatever the case may be, there are ways to sidestep their stoic demeanor and blow their effing socks off (hey, cool socks could work). Look for subtle hints. Pay attention to stuff they may mention in passing. People subconsciously drop hints about...

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How to easily improve any road trip.

Scott Hewitt

There are few valid reasons to be up before the sun—and a good road trip is one of them. Whether you plan to be cruising for a few hours or a few weeks, it’s important to keep things interesting, stay aware of what’s happening around you and be comfortable. If you’re not, even a short drive can feel like a cross-country catastrophe. We want to keep that from happening, so here are a few tips that will help make your next adventure a total success. Prep your vehicle. Nothing kills the road trip vibe faster than car trouble. Taking a...

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Easy Style Tips That Will Never Change

Scott Hewitt

Fashions may come and go, but some core principles will never go out of style. From basic grooming habits to classic clothing rules, these tips will ensure you always look your best. Bell bottoms are back. The nineties are big again. Kids are wearing Metallica shirts like they’ve been fans since the ‘80s. It goes without saying that fads come and go (then usually come back again—for better or worse). And while that vicious cycle will never change, neither will some tried-and-true style tips. Pay attention to the points below to stay fashionable, whether you’re at the bar with Don...

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3 Ways to Make Your Workout More Productive

Scott Hewitt

There are a few different types of people out there. There’s the kind who would live in the gym if they could (like, legit set up a cot and cuddle with barbells when they fall asleep each night). Then there’s the kind who works out begrudgingly, because, you know, it’s the adult thing to do. It’s not their favorite activity, but they know they should take care of it. Lastly, you have the type who just doesn’t work out. Period. (If you’re reading this, that’s probably not you.) No matter which category you fall in, there’s one thing we can...

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Five Ways You’re Probably Waking Up Wrong

Scott Hewitt
Morning breath. Cold toilet seats. Hangovers. There are dozens of reasons to give mornings one very specific finger each time you wake up. But they don’t have to be all bad. Whether you’re prepping for work, school or a day off, avoiding a few pitfalls can make the start of each day (nearly) enjoyable. At the very least, it’ll help you be more alert, more productive and more energized. Plus you’ll look and feel (and smell) your best.
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